Scroll down to find original tips, read comments & critiques of other people’s advice, and get
new ideas on taking YOUR relationship to the next level. Enjoy!

Common Mistakes That Break Trust
Most people think that lying, cheating, and not keeping your word are the biggest ways to break trust, but what if I told you there were 3 mistakes you might be making right now that are breaking the trust of those around you… and you don’t even know it?! I bet...

What Does Trust Actually Mean in a Relationship?
Standard relationship advice is always going on about how trust is essential to a good relationship - but what does that actually mean?! And why should you care? Ponder this question: What do you need to trust someone? Make a quick mental list. Now you may...
Why playing hard to get is a BAD idea and what to do instead
The most important relationship tip you’ll ever hear

3 Tips For Deep Connection!!
Deep connections are about more than “I do’s,” holding hands, and sitting next to each other. Do you want to know how to be more connected to your partner? Here are three essential ingredients you’ll need to create the deep & authentic connections you want...

Debunking Bad Relationship Advice
Everyone’s got something to say about relationships, but some advice is just bad! Today I’m gonna be debunking bad relationship advice. So buckle up and get ready because I’m talking about the worst relationship advice I’ve heard and what you should do instead. Here’s...

Considering Divorce? Do This First!
Are you thinking about divorce and untying the knot? Before you do, consider these three questions first. They may save you a lot of time, money, and, most importantly… your marriage. Want to watch a YouTube video on this topic? Head to my YouTube channel to watch!...

The Game That Ruins Relationships
You wanna know how to get in trouble fast? Start comparing your spouse or relationship to others around you. The comparison game is dangerous to relationships, and here’s why! When it comes to comparisons, there is only ONE (say it with me ONE) way that it is useful,...